
You are in control with smart forms.

Create quality control forms and share them with your team without needing software development. Get instant access to quality control tables with smart forms and say goodbye to manual data entry.

Easily reach what you are looking for between quality control jobs with smart filters. Easily filter work orders by flow status, date, or priority. Define and share custom filters with contacts and groups. Easily query quality control jobs.
Receive notifications about developments in quality control processes. Ensure realistic follow-up of quality control objectives with quality tasks and approval flows associated with work orders. Associate tasks with the appropriate staff and receive instant notifications when tasks are completed.

Your quality processes are now more professional.

Define and instantly disseminate quality control flows. Define the steps to be followed by the quality control flows and the feedback that may Decipher between the steps very quickly and easily update.

FlowMio. For the whole factory.

Factory Management

Track your factory instantly and guide your team. Increase your production efficiency with factory practices in flow.

Maintenance & Repair

Share work with your team on maintenance and production priorities and collect tasks such as fault tracking, maintenance, and inventory management in one place.

Production Team

Track production orders from mobile and intervene in the factors affecting production performance quickly.